Categorie: Kinder- en jeugdseries uitgebracht op DVD.
Pink Panther - The New Pink Panther Show - Seizoen 1 (4-DVD)
Uitgever: Columbia Tristar
Speelduur: 423 minuten (4 discs)
Extra: Geen
Disc 1
- Pink, pink and away
- Down on the ant farm
- Pink and the quiet
- The Pinky 500
- The ghost and Mr. Panther
- Cleopanthra
- Big top pink
- Yeti 'nother Big Foot story
- Pinky in paradise
- Department store Pinkerton
- Moby Pink
- The pink stuff
- Pink pizza
- The pink panther
- Werewolf in panther's clothing
- Pink paparazzi
- Rock me pink
- Pinkus pantherus
- Pilgrim panther
- That old pink magic
Disc 2
- Pink-anderthal man
- Pink Kong
- The magnificent pink one
- Downhill panther
- 14 karat pink
- Robo pink
- Pink encounters
- Junkyard pink blues
- Pantherobics
- Pinkenstein
- Pinky rider
- The midnight ride of Pink Revere
- Pinky... he delivers
- Super-Pinks egg-cellent adventure
- Cowboy Pinky
- Stealth panther
- Pinkazuma's revenge
- Pinky down under
- Pinkadoon
- A camp pink we will go
Disc 3
- Icy pink
- End of Superpink
- All for pink, pink for all
- Service with a pink smile
- Trains, pains and panthers
- Wet and wild pinky
- From hair to etermity
- Strike flea, your out!
- Cinderpink
- It's a bird! It's a pain! It's superfan!
- Who's smiling now
- Robin Hoodwinked
- Hook, line and pinker
- Valentine pink
- DinoSour head
- The luck o'the pinkish
- The inspector... not
- Pink links
- The stool parrot
- Pinky & Slusho
Disc 4
- Panthergeist
- Pinky's pending pink slip
- The three pink porkers
- The heart of pinkness
- The inspector most wanted
- Pinky Appleseed
- Calling Dr. Panther
- For those who pink young
- Lights camera voodoo
- I'm dreaming of a pink Christmas
- Wiener takes all
- The Easter Panther
- The inspectors club
- A royal pain
- Black, white & pink all over
- Beach blanket pinky
- Digging for dollars
- Pinknocchio
- 40 pinky up the river
- Long John Pinky
