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Songtekst snelkeuzemenu

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Vier Veren Waterval (Openings- en songtekst)

Vier Veren Waterval

Openingstekst begintune

De veren op deze hoed zijn toververen
Daarmee kunnen de hond en het paard van Tex Tucker spreken en gaan zijn pistolen af zonder dat hij ze aanraakt
En nu een nieuw opwindend avontuur uit Vier Veren Waterval


Songtekst begintune (lange Engelstalige versie) 

In Four Feather Falls, Four Feather Falls
There's always magic in the air
In Four Feather Falls, Four Feather Falls
You'll always find a vacant chair

In Four Feather Falls, Four Feather Falls
Every heart is kind and true
If ever you're in town they'll never let you down
And stranger there's a welcome for you

But anything can happen, anything at all
Why you might hear a dog meow
Hey, hey but stranger than that
Any stray cat may suddenly remark bow-wow
Ho, ho, Four Feather Falls, Four Feather Falls
The only place on earth to be
'Cause Four Feather Falls, Four Feather Falls
Means heaven on the range to me

In Four Feather Falls, Four Feather Falls
The only place on earth to be
'Cause Four Feather Falls, I said Four Feather Falls
Means heaven on the range to me
Yes, heaven on the range to me


© APF/Granada Television/Network

Songteksten V