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Songtekst snelkeuzemenu

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Bas Boris Bode (Songtekst)

Bas Boris Bode

Songtekst eindtune

It was long and dangerous
That road you were on
The bridges are crossed and the river is guiding you home

Now you've been to hell and back
Through wind and the sea
The journey is over and now you are finally free

Bas Boris Bode
You're no longer a pawn
Bas Boris Bode
Now the other one's gone
Put all your pieces together again
The puzzle is finished, now you can win

Bas Boris Bode
Put yourself in his place
Bas Boris Bode
Forget that other face
So much inside you, destiny waits
You are the one who is controlling your fate
Bas Boris Bode


© ZDF/Magnet Film/AVRO

Songteksten B